I have ARCs for Reap the Wind! What are ARCs, you ask? Advance Reader Copies, which are early versions of the book put out for bloggers, etc. to read and review. They are not the finished version—they don’t have cover art and the final edit hasn’t been done (necessary to get them out early). So some scenes may still be a little rough, some bits of dialogue may change here and there, and there may be a few typos to deal with. They are still a good read though. And I have six!

I’ve decided to do three giveaways, one for each month leading up to the release in November. Each giveaway will feature two books: one for a blogger and one for a reader. There are, however, some conditions:

1. You promise to do a review of the book. This can be on your blog, on Amazon/B&N, or wherever you usually review books.

2. You promise that, in your review, you will not spoil the main plot points! That also includes any comments you may leave on forums, etc. Some people really do not like this and it ruins the book for them.

3. You promise not to sell them. If you are a blogger and want to pass the book on to a fellow blogger for review when you’re done, that would be awesome! But please, no selling on ebay, etc.

I’ll do a blind draw for these at midnight EST on 8/7/2015. If you agree to the above conditions and want a chance at one, leave your name and which book you’re going for (blogger or reader) in the comments. Also, if you have a blog, please leave a link to it (helps me verify and it’s an easy way to advertise!) Good luck!